Class 3 Exploring ICT world (Computer) Solution Chapter 1 - A Computer System (Part 2)

                            Sub-Exploring ICT world(Computer)
                            Chapter- 1 (Solution)

G. Answer the following questions.

1. With the help of an example, explain the IPO cycle.

Ans. IPO cycle stands for Input-Process-Output (IPO) cycle. 

Example: Washing clothes with use of washing machine. The following three steps are involve:-

Step1 . Put the cloth in the machine. (Input)

Step2. Machine washes the cloth. (Process)

Step3. Clean cloth come out from machine.(Output)

2. Why do you think CPU is the brain of the computer? Briefly explain with the help of a block diagram.

Ans. Because CPU controls all the process in computer by the help of Control Unit(CU), performs the arithmetic operation by Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU) and store large amount of information by using Memory Unit(MU) .

3. Describe input devices with examples.

Ans. Input devices:- The devices that are used to enter data into the computer. 

Examples for input devices are Keyboard and Mouse.

4. Why do you need storage devices?

Ans. Storage devices helps to store data for later use and transfer data from one computer to another.

Example- Pen drive, CD, DVD, BD and Memory card.

5. Define the term hardware and software.

Ans. Hardware is the physical part of a computer that you can touch and feel. For example: monitor , keyboard, mouse and storage devices.

Software is the program or instructions that run on the computer. You can not touch or feel software. For example: Windows, Notepad, WordPad, Paint etc.
