Chapter - 1 (Categories of Computer and Computer Languages (part-2)) Sub- Computer Class-6


E. Answer the following questions.

1. Describe how computers are classified.

Ans. Computers are classified on three basis:

1). By Type:- Analog, Digital and Hybrid

2). By Size:- Supercomputer, Mainframe computer, Mini-computer and Micro-computer

3). By Purpose:- General Purpose and Special Purpose

2. Write the application areas of different types of computers based on size.

Ans. The application areas of different types of computers based on size:-

(1). Supercomputer: Forecast the weather, Military research and defense systems.

(2). Mainframe computer: Credit card processing, Marketing and Air traffic control system

(3). Mini-computer: University, 3D graphics, multimedia and Game.

(4). Micro-computer:  Home(personal use) and Small                          organization.

3. Differentiate between low-level language and high-level language.

Ans. Low-Level Language:-Low-Level Languages are the instructions in machine codes. A computer cannot understand any instruction given to it by the user in English or any other high-level language. The low level languages are very easily understandable by the machine.

High-Level Language:- The important feature about high-level languages is that it is machine independent and therefore, the programmer can write programs just once for all types of the computers.

4. List the advantages of high-level languages over low-level languages?

Ans. The advantages of high-level languages over low-level languages:-

More user-friendly

Provide a better user interface

Helps programmers use a more modular approach

Easier and faster to code and debug

Increases the programmer’s productivity

5. Write a short note on any two programming languages.

Ans. PYTHON:- Python is a general-purpose, user-friendly, interactive and object-oriented programming language. Python was developed by Guido Van Rossum in late 1980s. It is processed at runtime by an interpreter.

JAVA:- Java is a high-level programming language. It was initiated by James Gosling and was released in 1995 as core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. It runs on Windows , Mac OS and the various version of UNIX.
